Sally Conway

Sally is a strategic land use planning professional with extensive experience in government (State and local), and private practice. A critical thinker, Sally brings a research based and informed approach to complex projects. She also seeks out creative opportunities to facilitate practical and balanced outcomes when faced with competing priorities.

Her particular areas of expertise include structure planning, activity centre planning and built form frameworks, infrastructure planning, regional planning (coastal and rural) and project management. Sally enjoys working with a range of stakeholders and communities to achieve practical and real planning outcomes that will enhance the liveability and functionality of cities and towns. She is respected for her honest and perceptive manner.

Away from the office, you will find Sally out walking in the bush with her dog, drinking coffee in one of the cosy cafes along the Great Ocean Road (in Wadawurrung Country) or wrapped in a long black puffer jacket cheering on her son’s soccer team from the sidelines.

Engaging Stakeholders in Urban Planning Projects for Better Results